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South Australian guide to
land clearing

The ultimate guide for anyone in South Australia looking at clearing land

Land clearing is one of those things that most people do rarely and very few people fully understand. Most of our relationships with our clients begin with a raft of questions. Over time we noticed they mostly follow a similar pattern. As such we have authored this guide designed to equip you with all the 'must knows' before you embark on clearing your land.

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land clearing and clearing land south Australia

Do I need a permit?

It depends, every council has different land clearing policies so you will need to check with your local council for specifics. Here however are a few general guidelines

land clearing and clearing land south Australia

We recommend you always check with your local council before engaging in the removal of any tree. Below however is a summary of exemptions to the requirement of permits to remove trees.


  • If the tree species are not subject to the regulated and significant trees regulations - see below section on what trees can I cut down.


  • If the trees you are looking to clear are within 10 meters of your house you can clear them without a permit.


  • If the trees are regulated or significant, (the trunk diameter is less than 2 meters 1 meter above normal ground level you WILL need a permit unless they are within 10 meters of your home 


  • If the trees are within 10 to 20 meters of your home. and NOT regulated or significant you can clear them without permission​​


  • In some areas you can create a fire / fuel break of between 5 and 7.5 meters without a permit.


  • If the trees are less than 3 meters high a permit is not required.


  • Dead or fallen trees can be removed without a permit.


  • Trees planted as part of a woodlot, orchard or other form of plantation created for the purpose of growing and then harvesting trees or any produce may be removed without a permit.



The above is of course only a guide and you should always seek council advice. We can also provide specific advice in relation to your trees. Call Steve.

land clearing and clearing land south Australia

Can I clear my own land?

As long as you are acting within the law and have all the required permits of course you can. Keep in mind however that tree felling, especially the felling of large trees is an extremely  dangerous undertaking with the ability to endanger life and property if the tree falls the wrong way. Once felled trees need to be cleared or they will quickly create a fire risk. Councils in a lot of rural areas in South Australia are quick to issue 'clean up demands' to people who clear their own land and are not quick enough to clean up the debris. 


If it is just one or two small trees than absolutely you could tackle it yourself. Bigger jobs are best left to professional contractors with the right expertise and equipment. At the bigger end there is simply no question. You might be able to fell a large tree but what next? Large trees need mechanical procesing and removal.

land clearing and clearing land south Australia

What trees can I cut down?

This varies from council to council and this guide is only general in nature so you should check the specifics with us before you start.


The following tree species are exempt from the regulated and significant trees regulations and do not require permission to remove


Click on the tree name to see pictures and more information.


Common weeds in the Adelaide hills


Weeping Willow

Narrow Leaf Ash

Radiata Pine


Olive Trees




Sweet pittosporum


Common Weeds in wider South Australia


Box Elder

Silver Maple

Tree of Heaven

Evergreen Alder

European Nettle Tree

Chinese Nettle Tree

Camphor Laurel

Monterey Cypress

Figs, other than Morton Bay Fig) located more than 15 m from a dwelling

London Plane

White Poplar

Lombardy Poplar

Black Locust

Chilean Willow, Evergreen Willow, Pencil Willow

Crack Willow

White Crack Willow, Basket Willow

Golden Weeping Willow

Peppercorn Tree




to a tree planted as part of a woodlot, orchard or other form of plantation created for the purpose of growing and then harvesting trees or any produce.


Source: Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017—30.11.2023 


Below is a link to the South Australian department for Environment and Water's list of weed flora for the Adelaide Hills, While this list is specific to the hills it does carry over to other areas

Weed list for Adelaide Hills


Below for reference is a link to Environment SA's land clearing application forms

Land clearing application forms

what trees can i cut down
land clearing and clearing land south Australia
land clearing and clearing land south Australia

CFS requirements & Firebreaks

According to the CFS You can reduce, modify or remove native vegetation within 20m of a building (including overhanging limbs). Significant trees in the 10m–20m zone from a building will need approval to remove. 


To protect a structure (e.g. a shed) you can reduce, modify or remove native vegetation within 5m of a structure (including overhanging limbs). Significant trees however will need approval to remove in this 5m zone.


To construct a fuel break you can remove vegetation to construct a fuel break up to 5m wide. In. some areas to construct a fuel break you can remove native vegetation up to 7.5m wide without approval.


The CFS recommend that a 5 meter fuel break is created by slashing or spraying along all fencelines, specifically they state, "Prepare a 5 metre fuel break along all fence lines with bare gaps at intervals under the fence line by spraying, slashing or mowing."


They further recommend a 20 meter fuel break around fodder reserves and a 5 meter break around crops and fuel or chemical supplies / storage facilities.


For safe access to your property for CFS vehicles a 5 meter high clearance zone is recommended - see the image to the left. 


CFS can also provide permission for you to clear land to create or maintain fire tracks.


Here is the CFS land clearing brochure

land clearing and clearing land south Australia

The land clearing process

Whilst the specifics always differ from job to job based on size, location, species being removed and the weather the process is the same every time.


Assessment: It always starts with an informal chat. What are you looking to achieve and when. From there we will make recommendations on how the job should be tackled, what machinery we will use and what you will be left with, burn piles or nothing at all.


Quotation: We understand that the economics are a critical factor for our clients. Most people are actually happily surprised how little it can cost to get a fleet of heavy machinery working to clear your land. In some cases we can actually pay you to do the work as we will be able to deliver and sell the removed trees.


Clearing the land: Some jobs can be done in a day, others may take a month or more. What we guarantee at Adelaide Hills Land Clearing is that what you will see when we are finished is what we promised we will deliver. We have almost seven decades of experience to support that claim.

Our Story

Our Story began almost seven decades ago in 1956 with Gordon Trestrail and a single machine. Seven decades later the second generation of Trestrail's now continues to service South Australia with the 3rd generation now beginning an involvement in the business.. Between the three of them there is over 100 years of experience in land clearing and removing trees in the Adelaide hills region. You couldn't be in better or more knowledgable hands. 

land clearing and clearing land south Australia Steve
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